The Best Valentines Breakfast

by Cactus Kitchen Gals

With Valentines and Galentines the day before (where we celebrate friendships) these gorgeous pancakes can be made for friends or partners, or why not make them for yourself to celebrate how fabulous you are. I know I will be making these, don’t they look gorgeous. Over to Sophie…

Breakfast is underrated when it comes to V Day. It is all about gifts and going out for dinner – but whether you are celebrating you this year or your loved one why not make them a simple pancake breakfast that can look mega cute!


Prep and Cook Time: Prep 5 minutes, cook 10 minutes

Servings: Makes around 6 Pancakes –  but it totally depends how big you make them.

You will need: Bowl, measuring cup, whisk, frying pan


1 Cup of Soya Mylk
1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
1 Cup of Self Raising Flour
1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder
2 Tablespoons of Sugar
Pinch of Salt


The first thing you want to do is add all of your wet ingredients; mylk, vinegar + vanilla in a small bowl and give them a little mix to combine. Then add all your dry ingredients to a separate bowl and mix together.

Next, add your wet ingredients to the dry and whisk lightly. Put a large pan on low-medium heat and add a little butter or spray oil to the pan. Spoon in some of the mixture (I like to use 1/3 or ¼ cup measurements for this) and cook until bubbles appear. Gently flip over your pancakes and cook for another minute or so before stacking them on a plate.

Topping are really all by choice but I love to go with strawberries and melted biscoff spread (I even made a mini plate for my Valentine … my dog Peach … she is my best pal + deserved pancakes!)

The best thing about pancakes is once you have a basic recipe down you can customise them with all your favourite toppings, so if you don’t like strawberries or biscoff (who are you?) then go with lemon and blueberries or chocolate hazelnut spread and raspberries … the list is endless!


Sophie launched Cactus Kitchen Gals 5 years ago to show how awesome vegan food can be. Among other things she has run her own café in Worthing, West Sussex, had various pop ups and now focusses on providing food for local Worthing cafes (including with her soups!) and making bespoke cakes.

You can find out more about Cactus Kitchen Gals by going on their website or following them on Instagram.


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Pin it The Best Vegan Valentines Breakfast by Cactus Kitchen Gals
Pin it The Best Vegan Valentines Breakfast by Cactus Kitchen Gals

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