Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Know your Breasts

Breast Cancer UK are a really important charity to us for many reasons, one of which is the work they do to promote the use of clean products to help to prevent the risk of Breast Cancer. Their fantastic ongoing campaign called Ditch the Junk highlights which chemicals should be avoided in different products, we recommend you download a copy and have a read. Of course you will never find any of these chemicals in any products we sell here at Greener Beauty.

We are so pleased to be able to share with you this new, really important resource that the wonderful people at Breast Cancer UK have put together. Their new guide shows us how to get to know our breasts, something that is vital to ensure that we are able to recognise when something isn’t right should this ever happen.

Don’t forget Breast Cancer UK are one of the Greener Beauty chosen charities, so if you would like to support the vital work that they do, you can donate to them when you check out!

Vic x


October is breast cancer awareness month.

This year Breast Cancer UK is focusing on how they can help you build resilience.  Empowering you to take control of your health to help you today as you deal with uncertainty and to help protect your future health too.

They have launched a new breast checking video, Know your breasts. To encourage you to get to know your breasts, intimately.

The video helps you understand how to check your breasts and the signs to look out for which indicate something isn’t right. Early detection is an important line of defence we can all have control over.

Along with this video, they encourage you to check out their other information on how you can reduce your risk of breast cancer.

There are some risk factors you have no control over, such as, genes and family history.  But there are lifestyle factors which can actually be protective against breast cancer.

Over 25 % of breast cancer cases are preventable.  By making changes to your lifestyle, you can help reduce your risk. These include:

Move more

Increasing the amount of physical activity you do can help reduce your risk considerably.

Eat better, not perfect

You don’t need to eat clean or stick to a strict diet – just simple healthy choices most of the time will do the trick.

Drink less alcohol

You knew we were going to say it! But there is a strong link between alcohol and breast cancer.

Avoid harmful chemicals

Certain chemicals known as endocrine disrupting chemicals or EDCs can mimic the natural hormone oestrogen which may increase our risk of breast cancer. These are found in cosmetics and household products. Reducing your use of these, or finding ones that are free from certain chemicals, can help reduce levels found in the body.

For more tips on how to reduce your risk  – download their Reduce Your Risk Guide here



You can find out more about Breast Cancer UK and the work they do here


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